Millington DDA |
What is the DDA? |
The Millington Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a body created under authority of P.A. 197 of 1975, as amended, as is now under the authority of P.A. 57 of 2018. The Millington DDA was established in 1992 to prevent deterioration and promote economic growth within a business district by developing, adopting and implementing plans for new and redeveloped businesses. The DDA is funded through Tax-Increment Financing (TIF) which means that taxes paid within the DDA District are re-invested in the district annually. |
DDA Mission Statement |
The purpose of the Millington Downtown Development Authority is to provide a long range plan to the business community by making a uniform appearance in upgrading the sidewalks, lighting, parking and preserving the historic significance while being a friendly, progressive community. |
DDA Vision Statement |
“Where the Past and Present Meet.” |
The Village of Millington is a downtown shared by our residents and those of our neighboring communities. All are welcome and encouraged to enjoy our quaint, historic Main Street and State Street business district that has businesses to satisfy everyone’s needs, from shopping, dining and entertainment and service needs. We are proud of our historic town, but aware of the changing needs of the present, and work together to improve the quality of life of our community as we embrace the future. |
DDA Bylaws |